Enabling Energy Democracy
We are specialized at developing key-turn solutions & infrastructure for energy trading for LV & MV distribution grids.

What We Do
With the advent of distributed RES production, BESS, EV & charging stations in LV and MV networks, the concept of prosumers and active consumers also came an initiative to enable them active participation in organized power market the so-called local electricity market.
This initiative aimed to increase financial gains for them by providing fair electricity pricing for all LV/MV participants in energy community mostly households, flats, charging stations, small business, stand alone distributed RES, classified as active consumers, producers, and prosumers.
Besides these clear financial motives for households, there were also motives from transmission and distribution system operators to take advantage of excess capacity and flexibility available in MV and LV grids which can help them to partially resolve power power system stability and adequacy issues which on the other hand enables consumers/producers/prosumers to sell their capacity and flexibility in an aggregated principle.
After the clear benefits to all sides came changes to EU and the national legislature which introduced formation of energy community of citizens as a legal person on an EU level with the aim to take advantages of distributed energy produced and consumed in the local community for example neighborhoods, residential buildings, industry grids, outlet malls which have clear electrical boundaries.
Hi Power Solutions has the solution to all this…
We provide solutions for local electricity trading for household by providing trading between consumers, prosumers, and producers in transparent and competitive manner in a distribution grid. We ensure benefits to all participant based on novel trading concept based on supply function equilibrium called approximated Automated Supply function Trading Algorithm (ASTA) which covers:
the entire cycle from creating optimal bidding curves (automatically for the user)
to calculating market prices,
and unit dispatch.
Our solutions enable a strong equilibrium which guarantees the maximum possible social well-being for the energy community, this means no need of interference by owner and automated way of bidding can be achieved while satisfying the best interest of the household.